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At PROXIMO we operate with strict quality parameters. All processes are monitored and controlled through operational reviews with the client.

The company has developed customized management systems for each one of its clients.

Our quality management system is based on the ISO 9001:2008, Customer Operation Performance Center (COPC), and Lemon Tree Operations Standards for Contact Center (ELTO CC).

In PROXIMO Global BPO’s human resources department, we perform the following activities:

Recruiting Process:

We define the profile of the agent with the client and we then select the agents, according to the skills needed to efficiently perform the task.


We apply an ongoing training criteria. Our commitment as leaders in BPO service drives us to continuously train and update our knowledge. We dedicate more than 10% of our budget to the training and follow-up of the agents.

  • Personalized training based on the project
  • Ongoing supervision.
  • ON-GO re-training.
Join our staff
by sending your
resume to [email protected]

This way we can assure that we have a highly qualified staff, which is both trained and monitored at the same time.

Other activities carried out
by the department are:

  • Training workshops and programs.
  • Personnel management.
  • Employee satisfaction.
  • Internal communication.